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Mark Buchanan is a pastor, author, and Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Ambrose University. His books include "God Walk: Moving at the Speed of Your Soul." He regularly contributes to the Leadership Journal and Christianity Today.

I am a husband and father. A brother and friend. I was a son, but now I am an orphan (if one can be such a thing at my age). I am a writer, a professor, a speaker. I sometimes make noises on the guitar, sometimes even in front of people. I like nothing so much as to sit and read in front of a fire, or else nothing so much as walking deep in wild places. I love to scuba dive, and ride a motorcycle, and fish a slow bend of a fast river. My goal in life is to be a saint, but I often have to settle, simply, for not complaining while carrying out the trash or getting stuck in traffic. I take all the small victories I can get.



I began my career as a writer at age 12 - the year a remarkably creative grade 5 teacher awakened in me the possibilities of language and story. I eventually took a degree in writing, but that was simply to refine and hone what I felt compelled to do anyways, whether well or poorly, paid or unpaid, applauded or scorned.

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